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Domestic Relations

Domestic Relations

Survivors of gender-based violence may interact with the District Courts in Colorado, which is where Domestic Relations cases are handled, for various reasons. For example, survivors are often married and/or share children with the person abusing them.

Types of Cases

Domestic Relations Cases

Domestic Relations cases include:

This type of case has “DR” in its case number (for example 2021DR001), which stands for “Domestic Relations.”

Juvenile Court Cases

Some survivors of gender-based violence may also need to interact with Colorado’s Juvenile Courts. Juvenile Court cases include:

This type of case has “JV” in its case number (for example 2022JV002).

How Does Project Safeguard Help with Domestic Relations Cases?

Legal Advocacy

PSG’s non-attorney Legal Advocates can assist survivors of gender-based violence with understanding and pursuing divorce and custody and child support (Dissolution of Marriage and Allocation of Parental Responsibilities) cases and can provide support to clients in navigating juvenile issues. Because advocates are not attorneys, they cannot provide legal advice or direct representation in court.

Legal Clinics

English and Spanish Divorce and Custody Clinics are offered on a regular basis for PSG clients filing pro se. During these clinics, an attorney walks through the paperwork required to file these types of cases line by line. In-person and virtual options are available for these clinics. Please reach out to a Legal Advocate for more information.

Staff Attorney Consultation and Representation

PSG also has in-house staff attorneys who can provide representation and consultation to some of the survivors we work with. Depending on availability, staff attorneys may be able to assist survivors who are navigating domestic relations cases. Survivors needing these services must first work with a PSG Legal Advocate, who will determine if a referral to an attorney is appropriate.

Anyone seeking services through PSG should contact us via phone or email for an initial screening.